Implementation Plan – Excel Template

Use this this implementation plan workbook for tracking team action items. It was designed by Del Simcox, and includes an instructional tab.

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Implementation Plan Template – Instructions

Here are the columns noted in the template –

Action Item Reference number for each action
Date OpenedDate that the action was created
Desc.Description of the action to be taken
PrioritySelect Low, Medium, or High. The worksheet can easily be filtered on this field.
Assigned toNote who has signed up for the action, and see the suggestion below.
Date DueThis is the commitment date that the action owner (“Assigned to” column) has committed to.
Date CompleteNote when the action was completed.
DetailsThis is a good location for adding notes related to the action, during team meetings.
StatusThere are four options here: Open, Deferred, Canceled, Closed
Columns in the Implementation Plan Template

Sample Actions

The template tab is pre-populated with three actions, so you can see how the information is organized.

The template is populated with three rows for a sample project

Assigning Actions – Here’s a Tip

It’s much better to ask for a volunteer, rather than assign the task yourself – even if you outrank everyone in the room! The same goes for completion date commitments. Why?

  • There may be someone in the meeting who is more interested in the task than the person you thought might be best for it. Interest = Energy
  • We all take pride in stepping up and volunteering to contribute, and volunteering is more fulfilling that being assigned an action. The result will be more commitment and better follow-through.